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Version: 2.2

Advanced SDK Setup

Advanced Use Case

Use the advanced setup if you want more control over what modules to add to Moralis. In most cases, you won't need to do this (and can use the umbrella moralis package as described above, as this is easier to use).

Install Moralis

Instead of installing the moralis umbrella package, you can need to install the packages you want to use. Please note that you always need to install the @moralisweb3/core package.

Available packages:

  • @moralisweb3/core
  • @moralisweb3/auth
  • @moralisweb3/evm-api
  • @moralisweb3/sol-api
  • @moralisweb3/common-evm-utils
  • @moralisweb3/common-sol-utils

For example:

npm i @moralisweb3/core @moralisweb3/evm-api

Set Up Moralis

To set up Moralis, you must register the modules to the core package at the top of your code (before any interaction with Moralis):

import MoralisCore from "@moralisweb3/core";
import MoralisEvmApi from "@moralisweb3/evm-api";

const core = MoralisCore.create();
// Register all imported modules to the @moralisweb3/core module

Then, initialize the app similarly to when using the umbrella moralis package. You only need to provide a configuration that is required by the packages. So, if you don't include an API package, you might not need to include the apiKey:

apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
// ...and any other configuration

Now you can use any functionality from the installed modules. The only difference is that you need to call in your code:

import MoralisEvmApi from "@moralisweb3/evm-api";
import { EvmChain } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

const evmApi = core.getModule < MoralisEvmApi > MoralisEvmApi.moduleName;
chain: EvmChain.ETHEREUM,
blockNumberOrHash: "",

Instead of:

import Moralis from "moralis";
import { EvmChain } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

chain: EvmChain.ETHEREUM,
blockNumberOrHash: "",

Of course, you are free to combine the modules in a single object and use that in your dapp:

// moralis.ts
import { MoralisCore } from "@moralisweb3/core";
import EvmApi from "@moralisweb3/evm-api";

const core = MoralisCore.create();
const evmApi = EvmApi.create(core);

export const Moralis = {
EvmApi: evmApi,

// app.ts
import { Moralis } from "./moralis/";
import { EvmChain } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";

chain: EvmChain.ETHEREUM,
blockNumberOrHash: "",